Serve Groups are groups dedicated to serving others in our church family and community.

At Life Church, there are many opportunities to get involved, make an impact, and grow in your giftings. Serving on a team is a wonderful opportunity to grow in relationships, skills, and in new experiences that help build family.

Homeless Outreach Ministry

Meals for New Moms

Prayer Chain, Prayer List

Visitation, Care Packages, Cards

Homeless Shelter for Women - Provide a Meal on the First Sunday or Each Month.

Meeting Special Needs of members including Financial Assistance, clothing, yard care, food, repairs, etc.

Meeting Special Needs of Widows in our area

Homeless Shelter for Families - Special Events throughout the Year.

Help Volunteer in the Nursery

J12 Sunday Morning Service after worship in Youth Room

Hospital Visits & Food Pantry

Help Volunteer in LifeKidz

Join our First Impressions Team to help greet on Sunday Mornings

Volunteer on the Tech Crew